Delete Cell/Range

Delete a cell/range of an excel sheet.

Delete the specified cell/range of the excel sheet and shift cells if required.

This activity can only be used after the Open Excel File activity.


  • Input : ExcelHandle Variable A variable name that references the opened excel file handle.

  • Sheet Name : String Argument The name of the sheet in which the cell/range is to be deleted.


  • Range : String Argument The cell/range of the excel sheet is to be deleted.

The range is specified in A1:E10 or A1 format. A1:E10 will select all cells of the first five columns from row 1 to 10. A1 will select the first cell from the first row.

  • Shift Cells :

    • True - Cells will be shifted according to the Shift Option.

    • False - Delete only cell data and leave formatting unchanged. Default

  • Shift Option : Optional

    The format in which cells should be shifted to fill the deleted cell/range.

  • ShiftUp - Cells will be shifted up after deletion in the given range. Default

  • ShiftLeft - Cells will be shifted left after deletion in the given range.

  • EntireColumn - Delete the entire column and shift left.

  • EntireRow - Delete the entire row and shift up.

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