JSONPath Helper

Evaluates the given JSON path on the JSON input.

The JSONPath helper window assists you in evaluating JSON path expressions on a JSON input of your choice.

The JSONPath helper consists of three main sections:

  • JSONPath Syntax - Specify the select token to evaluate.

  • Inputs - Specifies the JSON input on which the JSON Path is to evaluate.

  • Evaluated Results - Displays the result of the JSON Path evaluation.

1. JSONPath Syntax

JSONPath expressions are similar to XPath expressions used for XML documents. In JSONPath, the "root member object" is always denoted by the symbol $. Whether the root is an object or an array, it is represented as $. You can access elements using the dot notation, such as $.store.book[0].title, or the bracket notation, like $['store']['book'][0]['title']. $.store.book[0].title

or the bracket–notation


2. Inputs

This section allows you to specify the JSON input on which you want to evaluate the JSON Path. You can provide your JSON data in this field.

3. Evaluated Results

The evaluated results section displays the outcome of the JSON Path evaluation. It shows you the result of applying the JSON Path expression to the given JSON input. This section will show you the extracted values or elements based on the JSON Path expression you provided.

By understanding and utilizing JSONPath expressions, you can effectively navigate and extract specific elements or values from complex JSON structures. The JSONPath helper window simplifies this process and provides you with a convenient interface to evaluate JSON Path expressions and view the evaluated results.

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