Open Excel File

Open an excel file for reading and writing.

Specify an input excel file and configure the access and actions parameters. This activity will create a variable of type ExcelHandle which is the input for other Excel activities.


  • Auto Save :

    • True - Saves the file automatically when any other activity makes any changes to the input ExcelHandle

    • False - The changes will not be saved by the ExcelHandle.

  • Edit Password : String Argument

    The Password to edit the password protected excel file.

  • Password : String Argument

    The Password to open the password protected excel file.

Password protected XLS files are not supported. Convert XLS files into XLSX files.

  • Open Mode

    • CreateAndOpen - A new file will be created and opened.

    • OpenExisting - The specified excel file will be opened.

  • Macro Setting

    • EnableAll - All macros are enabled and it can be run.

    • DisableAll - All macros are disabled in the specified excel file it cannot be run.

    • ReadFromExcelSetting - Reads the current excel macro settings.

  • Read-Only

    • True - Opens the specified excel file in Read-Only mode and it can not be edited.

    • False - Opens the file in editable mode.

  • Use MS Excel

Microsoft Excel needs to be installed on the computer for this option to work. The specified file will be locked by MS Excel while the workflow is being executed.

  • True - The activity will use Microsoft Excel for for all actions on the excel file.

  • False - The activity will not use Microsoft Excel.


  • Output : ExcelHandle Variable The activity will open the specified excel file with the specified configuration, creates an Excel Handle and stores it in the specified ExcelHandle variable.

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