Execute Query

Execute a query on database.

Execute a query on a database and store the result in a variable.


  • Command Type:

    • Text - Executes the query specified in the SQL parameter.

    • Stored Procedure - Invokes the procedure name specified in the SQL parameter.

  • Connection String : String ArgumentOptional The connection string to establish a database connection.

  • Over Time : Integer Argument The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown.The default value is 30 seconds.

  • Parameters : String Argument

    Clicking the selector button in the activity opens the Database Parameters Dialog in which Parameter Name, Direction, Type, and Value to be created.

Parameters are used only when Command Text as Stored Procedure.

Information :

  • Database Type: The type of database in which parameters to be inserted.

  • Name: The name of parameters.

  • Direction: The direction of the parameter passed to the stored procedure. In, Out and InOut are the directions used in the parameter window.

  • Type: The type of the parameters passed to the stored procedure. Types are dependent on database type.

  • Size: The size of the value of the parameters passed to the stored procedure.

  • Value: The value of the parameters passed to the stored procedure.

PostgreSQL uses Sql command for calling stored procedure with parameter placeholder. For example CALL my_proc(@p1,@p2,....)

  • VariableInQuery : Bool Argument Specify whether the given query string contains variables or not.


  • Output : DataTable Variable The variable that stores the output of the sql query.

  • Row Count : Integer Variable

    The variable that stores the number of rows of the result table.

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