Document Classifier

Classifies documents

The Document Classifier classifies documents into user defined classes. The user defines the classes and classification process using a classifier definition. The other inputs for the document classification are the Document AI Client and the document to classify. Running the Document Classification on a document creates a Classification Result object. This contains the class label and the confidence for the document.

There is only one type of classifier currently - Keyword Classifier. As the first step of creating the classification workflow, user should create a classifier definition. This is done from the Create Classifier Window and the definition is further configured using Configure Classifier Window.

After the definition is created, it is given as input to the Classify Document Activity. The output of the activity is a Classification Result object.

Document classification is usually done as precursor for Document Extraction to filter out documents of incorrect type.

Creating the Document Classification Workflow

Creating the Document Classification Workflow is a two stage process

  1. Creating the Classifier Definition which defines the class labels and how each document is classified.

  2. Creating Document AI client with Document AI credentials in the workflow and running the Classify Document Activity.

Follow the links below for a complete example of creating document classification workflow

Last updated