
Running Robots in Robot Cloud

Once you've successfully published and deployed a robot to a host, you're ready to run it. There are three ways you can execute your robot:

1. Manual Execution

As the name suggests, Manual Execution is when you manually instruct the robot to start performing its tasks. It's the most direct way of running your robot and is a great option when you want to test your robot or when the task doesn't need to be automated on a schedule or trigger.

To manually execute a robot:

  1. Go to the workspace where the Robot is published. Click the Robot.

  2. Go to the Deployments. You will see the list of deployments.

  3. Click the Actions menu and click "Run Now".

Your robot should now start executing its tasks on the designated host.

2. Scheduled Execution

Scheduled Execution is used when you want your robot to perform its tasks automatically at set times. This is very useful for tasks that need to be performed regularly, like daily reports or weekly data backups.

To schedule a robot, see Schedule Jobs.

3. Execution by a Trigger

Execution by a trigger is used when you want your robot to perform its tasks in response to certain events or conditions. For instance, you might want a robot to start whenever a certain email is received or a particular file is updated.

To set up a trigger:

  1. Navigate to the robot's detail page in Robot Cloud.

  2. Click on the Execution tab.

  3. Click the Execution button.

  4. In the execution settings, set the execution type to Trigger.

  5. From the dropdown list, select a connected host where the trigger will be applied.

  6. Set the trigger type to Manual.

  7. Provide a name and description for the trigger to easily identify and describe its purpose.

  8. Once all the details are filled, click on Submit to create the trigger for the robot.

With the trigger set, your robot will now automatically start whenever the defined conditions are met.

Remember, you can always monitor the status and progress of your robots from the Robot Cloud dashboard. Happy automating!

Last updated