Validation Window

View and Validate Extraction Results

The validation window allows user to View and validate an Extraction Result which is the output of document extraction. The window is launched only when user executes show validation window activity.

User Interface


List the Extracted Fields.


Shows the extracted table.

Delete : Deletes the selected row.

Add : Inserts a row below the selected row.


Each field represents an ExtractionResultItem. Cells in a table are also ExtractionResultItems. Clicking on a field will automatically highlight the value in the document viewer. Following features are present in a field.

Index : Shows the index of the field.

Name : Name of the field.

Confidence : Confidence of the extraction.

Select Button : Selects the field.

Reset : Resets the value in the field to original value.

Value : The extracted value or the user selected value.


Move Pane : Move the Pane holding the toolbar and Fields to the opposite side.

Validation Status : The selected status of the validation. Initially the value is Extracted. Ideally, the user would change it to Cancelled or Verified.

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