Find Image Position

Finds the position of an image.

This activity is used to find the position of a user-specified image on the screen.


  • Accuracy: String Argument Required Specifies a measurement value that determines the level of accuracy of the image to be searched for.

  • Profile: Specifies the type of Image Detection algorithm to be used. The available options are:

    • Basic

    • Enhanced

  • Image: Required Specifies the file path of the target image whose position is to be retrieved.

  • Offset: The X and Y offset will be added to the middle point of the found image. A positive X value moves to the right, and a positive Y value moves to the bottom. Negative values move to the opposite direction.


  • Mode: Specifies the mode. The available options are:

    • Auto - If selected, the activity will take a screenshot of the topmost window.

    • TopMostWindow - If selected, the activity will either use the UI Element Selector or Desktop Area Rectangle to take the screenshot.

Area Settings

  • UI Element Selector: DesktopElement Argument Select a UI Element or Window on the screen. Either the Desktop Area or the UI Element Selector properties should have input values that specify the area in which the specified image may appear.

  • Desktop Area: Specify an area (x,y,width,height) in Desktop. Either the Desktop Area or the UI Element Selector properties should have input values that specify the area in which the specified image may appear. Units in pixels.


  • Image Position: Specifies the position of the target image.

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