Completing Tasks

How to View Assigned Tasks in Robot Assistant

In the Robot Assistant application, all tasks assigned to the logged-in user can be viewed under the Tasks section. The tasks are categorized into four categories: Pending, Done, All, and Filter. By default, all four categories display tasks sorted by the modified time in descending order.

Here is an overview of each category:

  1. Pending This category includes tasks with the status of Partially Done, Ready, Pending, Assigned, or On Hold. These statuses indicate that the tasks are incomplete and require further action.

  2. Done Tasks with the status of Verified, Done, or Cancelled are listed in this category. These statuses indicate that the tasks are complete or no longer in use.

  3. All This category displays all tasks assigned to the user, including both Pending and Done tasks.

  4. Filter In this category, tasks can be filtered based on specific criteria set by the user. The configured filters can be applied by pressing the Apply button. The following filter criteria can be applied:

    • Status: By default, all statuses are selected in the dropdown.

    • From Date: Tasks will be listed starting from the specified date.

    • To Date: Tasks will be listed up to the specified date.

    • Sort By: Specifies whether the tasks should be filtered by Created Date or Updated Date. This determines which date is considered in the From Date and To Date filters.

    • Ascending/Descending: Determines whether the list should be fetched in ascending or descending order.

In the Filter view, users can also export the filtered task data to a CSV file. The exported data includes Task Name, Created Date, Last Updated Date, Current Task Status, Last Updated User, and Remarks.

The bottom section of the task list displays the total number of tasks under the selected category. Users can search for tasks by task name using the search box.

Only 50 tasks are listed at a time, and users can navigate to the next page of tasks by clicking the Next button.

Users can refresh the task list by clicking the Refresh button. The list is automatically refreshed when a network connection is reestablished. Additionally, newly created or updated tasks are automatically updated in the list without requiring a full refresh. Users receive notifications through the assistant whenever a task is created or updated.

The task listing provides the following task properties: Task Name, Current Status, Task Category (not to be confused with Status Category), Created Date, Updated Date, and Task Priority. Users can open a task by clicking the Start/View button associated with it.

How to Complete a Task

To complete a task assigned to you, you can use the Document Task window, which allows you to view, update, and validate the task.

There are two ways to launch the Document Task window: from the tasks listing in Assistant or by using the Show Tasks activity. A human task can contain one or more dependencies, and at any given time, only one dependency is visible in the Task Window interface. Each dependency represents a document and the data extracted from it. Using the Task Window, you can view the document, its extracted data, edit the extracted data, change the task status, and add new remarks to the task.

It's worth noting that similar functionality is available in Robot Cloud. If you require more information or advanced features, you can refer to the Robot Cloud documentation for a comprehensive understanding.

User Interface and Features

Here is an overview of the Document Task window user interface:

Task Name Displays the name of the created task.

Task Group Name Shows the name of the task group to which the task belongs.

Previous Dependency Button Allows you to navigate to the previous dependency in the task.

Next Dependency Button Allows you to navigate to the next dependency in the task.

Move Pane Moves the pane containing the toolbar, extracted fields, and remarks to the opposite side.

Task Status Indicates the current status of the task.

Reset Button Resets the task data to the original values before the last update.

Save Button Saves the current task, including the updated data, status, and remarks, for all dependencies.

Save and Next Saves the current task and proceeds to the next task.



If a table was defined in the task's definition, this section displays the table's name, column headers, and the ability to add or delete rows. If more than one table is defined, then all of them will be displayed as tabs.

You can switch between row selection mode and cell selection mode, select and modify specific cells or entire rows/columns, and perform actions such as adding or deleting rows.

When in Row selection mode, hold down Ctrl while selecting a row to choose multiple rows, and hold down Shift while selecting a row to choose all rows in the range.

When in cell selection mode, hold down Ctrl while selecting a cell to choose multiple cells, and click on the column header to select all the cells in the column.

Document Viewer

When you click on an extracted field or table cell, the corresponding value is highlighted in the document viewer. This feature enables you to easily associate the extracted data with the document. The document viewer is capable of displaying various types of files, including images, PDFs, and text documents.

In addition to highlighting values, you have the ability to select and unselect highlighters within the document viewer. This functionality allows you to modify the extracted values directly in the viewer, providing a convenient way to make adjustments.


Remarks can be viewed and added in the Remarks tab. All added remarks from all users associated with the task are displayed, and you can add your own remarks without any restrictions. Remarks may also contain attachments. Clicking on an attachment will open it in its default application.


The History tab shows the update history of the task. This includes changes in the Task Status and any changes in the extracted data made by the user.

Updating the Extracted Data

To update the extracted data in a field or table, you have the flexibility to enter the value directly into the textbox or select the data in the document viewer. The method of selecting data varies depending on the type of document, such as image, PDF, or text.

For image or PDF documents, you can select the data in two ways:

  1. Clicking on the Text: You can simply click on the specific text within the image or PDF document. This action will automatically select the text, allowing you to update the extracted value.

  2. Rectangular Selection: Alternatively, you can perform a rectangular selection around the desired text. This method is useful when you want to select multiple words or a larger portion of the document. By enclosing the area with a rectangle, the selected data will be highlighted, and you can make the necessary changes.

For text documents, selecting the data is straightforward:

  1. Text Selection: You can directly select the text by highlighting it. Simply click and drag the cursor to encompass the desired text. This selection enables you to update the extracted value.

The Document Task window provides a selection mode, which allows you to easily select data in the document. By default, selection mode is automatically enabled when you click on a textbox, eliminating the need to manually activate it. However, if you need to select data in a table or perform specific actions, you can click the Select button to enable selection mode.

It's important to note that when selecting multiple cells in a table, the selection mode is automatically turned off. In such cases, you should click the Select button again to re-enable selection mode. When you have multiple cells selected, any changes made will be applied to all the selected cells simultaneously. For example, if you want to set the same text for all cells in a column, you can click on the column header (when in cell selection mode) and then click on the desired text in the document. The selected text will be highlighted in the viewer, indicating the updated value.

Adding Remarks

Adding remarks is a valuable method of providing task information and sharing it with your team. In the Document Task window, you can easily add remarks using the dedicated Remarks tab. To add remarks, navigate to the Remarks tab and enter your comments or additional details related to the task. There is no restriction on the number of remarks you can add, allowing you to provide as much information as needed.

If you haven't submitted the task by saving it, you have the option to delete any added remarks. This enables you to refine your remarks or remove any unnecessary information. Simply locate the remark you wish to delete and use the provided functionality to remove it.

Please note that it's not possible to attach files directly within the Remark section of the Task Window. However, you can utilize the Add Remarks activity to attach files along with your remarks. These attachments can be viewed within the Task Window, allowing you to reference additional documents or files relevant to the task.

How to Submit Completed Tasks

To save and submit a task after making changes, click on the 'Save' button (or Save And Next button). This action will submit all the modifications, including any added remarks. Users assigned to the task will be notified of the update.

Initially, the task status is set to Assigned. However, you can change it to some other status after making changes. This is not enforced, but you are recommended to do so.

  • If the task is partially completed, you can change the status to Partially Done.

  • If the task is fully completed, you can set the status to Done.

  • If the task requires further attention or additional information, you can put it on On Hold.

  • If the task should never have been created or is no longer needed, you can change the status to Cancelled.

  • If the task has been processed and no longer requires any attention, you can change the status to Verified.

When changing the task status to On Hold or Cancelled, you must add at least one remark specifying the reason. If you haven't added a remark yet when changing the status to On Hold or Cancelled, a dialog box will prompt you to do so.

If the task's status is set to Done when saving it, the window will display validation errors. These errors are defined in the ExtractionResult used to create the task. You must resolve all validation errors before submitting the task with the Done status.

It's important to note that submitting a task cannot be undone. Once you submit the task, a new entry is created in the task's history, documenting the changes made.

Last updated