Modify Event

Updates an existing event.

This activity updates the properties (date, time, and content) of an existing event using the Microsoft Graph Update event API.


  • Connection Id: GraphServiceClient Variable Required Specifies the office 365 connection id.

  • Account: String Argument Specifies an email address with which to interact. This property can include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If the property field is left empty, the current user's account is used. This is an optional property.

  • Event: Object Argument Required Specifies the event as Event that is to be modified. We can also specify the output variable of either the Create Event activity or Search Events activity (which is an Event or Event[ ]) directly as input in this property. If we are using the Events property of Search Events activity then we can directly specify the element in the array. For example : Events[1].

Event Content

  • Body: String Argument Required Specifies the body of the event. If the Is Body HTML property is set to true, then the body needs to be specified in HTML format.

  • Subject: String Argument Required Specifies the subject of the event.

  • Is Body Html: Specifies whether the event body is written in HTML format or not.

Event Scheduling

  • Start Time: String Argument Specifies the start time of the event in DateTime format. The input should be given in double-quotes."\

  • End Time: String Argument Specifies the end time of the event in DateTime format. The input should be given in double-quotes."

  • Timezone: String Argument Specifies the time zone in which the Start Time and End Time are to be interpreted. The default value is the local system time zone.


  • Categories: String Argument Specifies the categories associated with the event. The category entered must match a name from the user-specified Calendar list of categories. Each of the categories should be separated by a semicolon.

  • Is All Day: If set to true, the event is scheduled for the entire day and the values entered in the Start Time and End Time properties will be overwritten. If set to true, values should be entered in both the Start Time and End Time properties.

  • Show As: Specifies the user's availability during the event. By default the value is Free. The available options are:

    • Unknown

    • Free

    • Tentative

    • Busy

    • Oof

    • WorkingElsewhere

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