Join Data Table

Combine two data tables.

The activity combines the rows from two data table with the help of join rules and joins type applied on both data tables. The resulting data table is stored in a variable.


  • The first data table used in the join operation.

  • Join Type : The type of join operation used in join data table activity.

    • Inner - Takes all the rows from DataTable1 and DataTable2, that satisfy the join rule. The rows that do not satisfy the rule are removed from the resulting table.

    • Left - Take all rows from DataTable1 and only the rows from DataTable2 which satisfy the join rule. Null values are inserted for the rows from DataTable1 that do not have a match in DataTable2.

    • Full - Take all rows from DataTable1 and DataTable2 which does not consider the join rule. Null values are inserted for the rows from both data tables that do not have a match.


  • Join Rules: The operations that applied to join data tables.

Information :

  • The button + used to create a new join rule on the join rules window. x button used to remove the join rule from the window. each rule needs the DataTable1 Column, operator, and DataTable2 Column that are used to join the data tables.

  • Preview the button displayed the two input data tables and the resulting data table on the grid below the join rules.

  • Join Type is the type of join used to combine the rows of DataTable1 and DataTable2.


  • Output : DataTable Variable

    The variable that stores the resulting data table of the join operation.

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