Document AI

Integrate Document AI in the workflows using Robot Studio

Robot Studio provides ways to bring Document AI features to the Studio and the workflows. This includes the Document AI Activities ,the Document Classifier, the Document Extractor, etc.


See Document AI Activities``

Document Classifier

The Document Classifier lets the user classify a document to different user defined document classes. This is usually done for identifying documents of particular kind from other documents. The Document Classifier is integrated in the workflow through Classify Document activity.


  • Keyword Classifier Uses keywords or text patterns in a document for classification.

The Classifier is defined using a Classifier Definition. A classifier definition when saved in a file has an extension of .classifier.vdai. The Classifier Definition can be created in Create Classifier Window and configured using Configure Classifier Window.

Document Extractor

The Document Extractor lets the user identify and extract the required data from the document. The Extractor extracts only the data defined through its fields. The helps the user to create structured data from documents. The Document Extractor is integrated in the workflow through Run Extractor activity.


  • Regex Extractor Uses Regula Expressions for extracting data from the documents

  • Skill Extractor Uses trained document models for extracting data from the documents.

  • Form Extractor Identifies key-value pairs in the document and extracts data from values.

The Extractor is defined using an Extractor Definition. An extractor definition when saved in a file has an extension of .extractor.vdai. The Extractor Definition can be created in Create Extractor Window and configured using Configure Extractor Window.

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