Search Events

Retrieves events from a calendar

This activity retrieves events that matches a criteria from a user-specified calendar using the Microsoft Graph List events API. If the Calendar property is left blank, then the activity searches the user's default calendar.


  • Connection Id: GraphServiceClient Variable Required Specifies the office 365 connection id.

  • Account: String Argument Specifies an email address with which to interact. This property can include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If the property field is left empty, the current user's account is used. This is an optional property.

  • Calendar: Object Argument Required Specifies the calendar as Calendar in which the events are to be searched. If a value is not provided, the user's default calendar is used. We can also specify the output variable of the Get Calendars activity which is either Calendar or Default Calendar here. If we are using the Calendar property (which is an array) we can directly specify it as input by providing its element. For example : Calendar[1].


  • Start Date: String Argument Specifies the end date of the events that we want to search in DateTime format. The input should be given in double-quotes.

  • End Date: String Argument Specifies the end date of the events that we want to search in DateTime format. The input should be given in double-quotes.

  • Max Results: Integer Argument Specifies the maximum number of events that are to be returned in the search. By default, the value is 50.

  • Return Recurring: If set to true returns the events in a series as well.

  • Search Query: String Argument Specifies a query based on OData query parameters to filter the events based on subject, body, locations, or attendees.


  • Event: Event Variable Required Specifies an array of Event objects that matches the search query if provided The output variable can be used for as input for other activities such as Modify Event, Add Attachment etc. We can directly specify the element in the array. For example : Events[1].

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