Web Actions

Actions performed on a web page

  • Click Clicks at an element in the page.

  • Click At Clicks at an element in the page but at a specified point in the element. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Double Click Double clicks at an element in the page.

  • Double click At Double clicks at an element in the page but at a specified point in the element. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Mouse Down Simulates pressing of mouse (without releasing) at an element in the page.

  • Mouse Down At Simulates pressing of mouse (without releasing) at an element in the page but at a specified point in the element. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Mouse Move At Simulates moving of mouse to a point inside an element in the page. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Mouse Out Simulates moving of mouse outside from an element in the page. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Mouse Over Simulates moving of mouse over an element in the page. Point is passed through the parameter as x coordinate,y coordinate.

  • Mouse Up Simulates releasing of mouse at an element in the page.

  • Mouse Up At Simulates releasing of mouse at an element in the page but at a specified point in the element. Point is passed through the parameter as x-coordinate,y-coordinate.

  • Edit Content Sets the value of a content editable element.

A content editable element has contenteditable attribute set to true

  • Drag And Drop To Object Drags the specified element in the page to another element specified by the selector string in the parameter.

  • Type Types the specified value into an element.

  • Send Keys Simulates pressing of a key in an element in the page. The Key is specified in the parameter as ${KEY_nameofthekey} eg. ${KEY_ENTER}

  • Submit Performs the submit action on a form element.

  • Select Selects an option in a select dropdown element in the page. The option can be specified using its index, value, id or label. eg. index=1

  • Add Selection Adds an option to selection in a multiselect dropdown element. The option can be specified using its index, value, id or label. eg. index=1

  • Remove Selection Removes an option from selection in a multiselect dropdown. The option can be specified using its index, value, id or label. eg. index=1

  • Check Checks a radio button or checkbox element in the page.

  • Uncheck Unchecks a radio button or checkbox element in the page.

  • Open Opens the specified url in the current tab.

  • Close Closes the current tab.

  • Select Frame Switches to the specified frame. To a frame inside the current frame can be specified using its index. Eg. index=2 . To navigate to the parent frame use relative=parent. To navigate to the topmost frame use relative=top.

The frame selected while playback remains selected either until that tab is closed or until another frame is selected. The top frame is not automatically selected when playback finishes.

  • Select Window Switches to a specified window/tab opened by the automation. The tab/window is identified using a locator specified in the parameter. The locator for the main window/tab is win_ser_local while for other tabs/windows opened during automation is win_ser_order where order is the order in which the window/tab is opened. Eg. win_ser_1

Windows or tabs which are manually opened by the user cannot be selected using this action. They should be opened by a web action like clicking on a link.

  • Run Script Executes a script on the current page.

  • Set Attribute Sets an attribute of an element in the page. The attribute and its value is specified in the parameter as attributename;attributevalue.

  • Set Property Sets an property of an element in the page. The property and its value is specified in the parameter as propertyname;propertyvalue.

  • Select File Uploads a file using a file input element. The full path to the file is provided as the parameter.

  • Capture Entire Page Screenshot Saves the Screenshot image of the current page into the specified path. If the given path is a filepath then image will be saved to that path. If the path is a folderpath then the image is saved to file inside the folder with filename generated from current datetime. The format of the filename is dd-MM-yy-hhmmss.png

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