Encrypt Text

Encrypts text based on a specified key.

This activity encrypts a text with a key based on a specified key encoding and algorithm.


  • Algorithm: A drop-down that enables you to select the algorithm for encrypting the text provided as input. The following options are available

  • Public Key: String ArgumentRequired Specifies the key required for the text encryption process when using the Rsa algorithm.

For example : -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAITQj1O7hTnMODuv43r2SggFUIi2H5qt arFLlMwT7raQA9TBQzIAsp+AWENAO1YQzvwhu2rFfi3TlQfaOAeg8w0CAwEAAQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

  • Private Key: String Argument Specifies the key required for the text encryption process when using the Sha256Rsa algorithm.

For example : -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBOwIBAAJBAITQj1O7hTnMODuv43r2SggFUIi2H5qtarFLlMwT7raQA9TBQzIA sp+AWENAO1YQzvwhu2rFfi3TlQfaOAeg8w0CAwEAAQJACJ993sLbCICg2gc2bsJU 1iZ6LxYcAS/nMHGmzIUyx3mDZlw0Bt7YnzPE6sHSL3KJejtVDmix8KfcJ2wL5EHK ZQIhAPEsZlsFSZpDW/E0EiW7StQ9zCg7l9jGtl6+yORWzL6/AiEAjPrN6w7hmhJb YsGF/PsscbPgiaI6Ud+TU5GNydXozTMCIQDMRGLdLPlOI0c4YHYOZzfV1BGa8f6G qKfGT6kvXSVFWQIgIDEhFjy2rUzlyz4vj133fxs4+ZSuxoVMCfghrWYIG9sCIQCF 4T/8mODNqGGEwDsKzbdcmYK69wr76HXT9XfqVEohPQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

  • Secret Key: String Argument

    Specifies the key for the text decryption process when using the AES256 and TripleDes algorithm. Input a 16 character string for AES256 and a 32 Character for TripleDes as the key input.

  • Plain Text: String ArgumentRequired Specifies the input text that is to be encrypted by this activity.


Last updated