Filter Data Tables

Filter the list of data tables.

The activity can keep or remove data tables in a list according to the filter conditions specified in the filter window.


The Input property accepts only a list of Data Table or a list of Object as input.


Information :

  • To create a new filter condition, click the "+" button in the filter window. To remove a filter condition, click the "x" button.

  • Each filter condition requires specific table properties, operators, and values to filter the data table. Variables can be used in the filter conditions and should be represented as $VarName.

  • The dropdown menu with options "Keep" and "Remove" determines whether the filtered records should be kept or removed from the data table.

  • The "Clear" button removes all filter conditions except the default conditions.


  • Filtered Data Tables : DataTable Variable The output of the activity is a DataTable variable that stores the resulting filtered list of data tables. This variable will contain the data tables that meet the specified filter conditions.

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