Validation Task Window


The Validation Task window lets the user to view, update and validate a task assigned to the user. It can be launched in two ways - from the tasks listing in Robot Runner or using Show Tasks Activity. A human task can contain one or more dependencies. At a time only one dependency is visible in the Task Window interface. Each dependency contains one document and the data extracted from it. Using the task window, user can view the document, its extracted data, edit the extracted data, change the status of the task and view and add new remarks to the task.

User Interface

  • Task Name Name of the created Task.

  • Task Group Name Name of the Task Group of the task.

  • Previous Dependency Button Moves to the previous dependency in the task.

  • Next Dependency Button Moves to the next dependency in the task.

  • Move Pane Moves the pane containing the toolbar, the Extracted fields and Remarks to the opposite side.

  • Task Status Shows the current status of the task.

  • Reset Button Resets the task data to the original values before the last update.

  • Save Button Saves the current task including the updated data, status and remarks for all dependencies.

  • Save and Next Saves and exists the current task and opens the next task.


Lists all the fields except tables and including not extracted fields in the selected Task Dependency. Each field in the

Each field has the following features.

  • Index The index of the field in the Extracted Data.

  • Field Name The name of the extracted field.

  • Value The extracted value of the field or the value entered by the user.

  • Confidence Confidence of the data extraction.

  • Required Indicator If visible indicates that the value cannot be empty if the task needs to be saved as done or verified.

  • Select Button Selects the field.

  • More Options Contains additional options for the field.

    • Remember values If checked, the values entered for the field for all tasks in the same Task Group will be remembered until the Robot Runner is exited.

  • Reset Button Resets the value for the field to the original value. (last updated value)


The Table section will be visible if user has added a table in the definition which created the task. Following are the features of the table section.

  • Table Name Name of the table.

  • Column Header Shows the name of the column in the table. Clicking on the column header while in Cell Selection mode selects all the cells in the column.

  • Delete Button Deletes the Selected Row from the table.

  • Add Button Adds a row below the selected row.

  • Selection Unit Switches between Row selection mode and Cell selection mode.

Row Selection Mode

  • Hold down Ctrl while selecting a row to select multiple rows.

  • Hold down Shift while selecting a row to select all rows in the range.

  • Add or Delete rows using Add and Delete buttons.

Cell Selection Mode

  • Hold down Ctrl while selecting a cell to select multiple cells.

  • Click on the column header to select all the cells in the column

  • Add or Delete rows using Add and Delete buttons.

Updating the Task

User can perform three types of updates using the Task Window.

  1. Task status update - Changing the status of the Task.

  2. Task dependency update - Updating the extracted data during validation.

  3. Add Remark - Adds one or more remarks to the Task.

The Task is updated when user clicks the Save Button or the Save and Next button. This will do all the three updates in a single operation. A green popup will be shown when the task is successfully updated.

Task Status Update

When a task is created using the Get Task Activity and assigned to a user, its status will be Assigned. From the Assigned status user can change the task status to Partially Done, Done, Cancelled and On Hold. A task cannot be moved directly to Verified from Assigned in Task Window. Following are the statuses which an user can change from the current status.

  • Assigned Partially Done, Done, Cancelled and On Hold

  • Partially Done Done, Cancelled and On Hold

  • Done Verified, Cancelled and On Hold

  • Verified Assigned

  • On Hold Assigned, Partially Done, Done, Verified, Cancelled

  • Cancelled Assigned

When the task status is changed to On Hold or Cancelled, it is mandatory to add at least one remark.

Task Dependency Update

Dependency update happens when user modifies the extracted data for a dependency and saves the changes. When user clicks on an extracted field or table cell, its value is highlighted in the document viewer. This also automatically turns on Selection Mode in image viewer.

When selection mode is on user can click on highlighters to select it or right click to unselect it. Selecting a highlighter appends it to the extracted values. Unselecting a highlighter removes it from the value. User can also type into the field, but doing so will not highlight the value in the document.

Add Remark

Remarks can be viewed from the Remarks Tab. It will display all the added remarks in task from all users. A remark can be added to a task without any restrictions. For tasks updating to Cancelled or On Hold status a remark is mandatory.

When user changes a task status to On Hold or Cancelled , the Add Remark window will appear where the user should add a remark to save the task.

Last updated