Append Image To PDF

Append an image to a PDF

This activity appends a user-specified image to a given PDF file


  • File Name: String Argument Required The full path of the PDF filename or corresponding variable, to which image is to be appended.

  • Image File: Object Argument Required The full path of the image to be appended or a variable that contains the image path.

  • Configuration:PdfDataSelector Argument The PDF viewer is displayed.

We can use the Selector property or the Configuration properties to specify the position and the dimensions of the image that is to be appended to the given pdf.


  • X: Double Argument The X Coordinate of the image to be appended.

  • Y: Double Argument The Y Coordinate of the image to be appended.

  • Width: Double Argument The width of the image that is to be appended.

  • Height: Double Argument The height of the image that is to be appended.

  • Page No: String ArgumentRequired Specifies the page number or a range of page numbers of the page/pages to be processed

The page number range can be specified as the following: "0" - All Pages "1" - Page 1 "1-5" - Pages 1 to 5 "1,4,6" - Pages 1,4,6 "1,3,5-9,12" - Pages 1,3,5 to 9 and 12

"^1" - Last page of the given PDF "^2" - Second last page of the given PDF

"1,^1" - Pages 1,Last page of the given PDF


  • Result: Object Variable The output of processed PDF to which image is appended, which can be stored on a variable/file.

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