Add Location
Adds location to an event.
This activity adds a location to a user-specified event using the Microsoft Graph Update event API.
Connection Id:
GraphServiceClient Variable
Specifies the office 365 connection id.Account:
String Argument
Specifies an email address with which to interact. This property can include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If the property field is left empty, the current user's account is used. This is an optional property.Event:
Object Argument
Specifies the event as Event to which the location is to be added. We can also specify the output variable of either the Create Event activity or Search Events activity (which is an Event or Event[ ]) directly as input in this property. If we are using the Events property of Search Events activity then we can directly specify the element in the array. For example : Events[1].Location Name:
String Argument
Specifies the name of the event location.
Physical Address
The following properties under Physical Address are optional and any values that are entered in these properties will be added after the Location Name in the event location field.
String Argument
Specifies the city of the event location.Country or Region:
String Argument
Specifies the country or region of the event location.Postal Code:
String Argument
Specifies the postal code of the event location.State:
String Argument
Specifies the state of the event location.Street:
String Argument
Specifies the street of the event location.
Room Email Address:
String Argument
Specifies the email address of the attendee (if required) that is to be added to the event along with the location and changes the Location Type to Conference Type.
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