Get Outlook Mail

Retrieves an email message from Outlook.

This activity retrieves an email message from a user-specified Outlook account.

Email Configuration

  • Account: String Argument Required The account that is used to access the messages that are to be retrieved.

  • Mail Folder: String Argument Required The mail folder from which the messages are to be retrieved.


  • Timeout: String Argument Required Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before raising an error. The default value is 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds).


  • Get Attachments:

    • True - The activity will retrieve all the email attachments.

    • False - The attachments won't be retrieved by the activity.\

  • All Unread Messages:

    • True - The activity will retrieve all unread messages.

    • False - The activity retrieves all read and unread messages.

  • Mark As Read:

    • True - The activity will mark the retrieved messages as read.

    • False - The messages will remain as unread.\

  • Limit: Integer Argument The number of messages to be retrieved from the top.


  • Filter: String Argument Optional Only messages that match the filter will be fetched.\


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