Get Text Position

Gets the screen positions of a specified text on the screen.

This activity is used to search for a specific text on the screen and retrieve the screen positions as result.


  • Search Text: String Argument Required Specifies the string to search for.

  • Occurrences: Integer Argument Required Specifies the number of occurrences of the specified text that are required to be found in a case where the given text appears multiple times in the given UI Element.


OCR Options

  • Crop Region: Specifies the region on the document to apply the OCR.

  • Intermediate Save Path: Specifies the location where intermediate files are stored. If not specified files will be stored in the Windows Temp folder.

  • Language: Specifies the text language present in the document.

  • Profile: Specifies a set of optimized preprocessing steps for a given task. By default, the value is set to SceenScrape.

  • Save Intermediate Files?: If set to True all intermediate images created during preprocessing will be saved to disk.

  • Timeout: Specifies the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the OCR operation to complete.


Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait until the specified element is found. By default, the value is set to 1000 milliseconds (10 sec)


  • Elements: Object Variable Specifies the Ui Element(s) where the specified search text is located

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