List files

List the file in the given location.

This activity lists all the files and subfolders in the user-specified folder location.


  • Location:String Argument Required Specifies the folders to be scanned.

  • Include Subfolders:

    • True - The content of the subfolders will also be listed.

    • False - The subfolders won't be listed.

  • Filter:String Argument Specifies the filter to be applied on the list of files of the user-specified directory.

    • "*" - Lists all the files in the user-specified directory.

    • "*.pdf" - Lists all the pdf files in the user-specified directory.

    • "*.png" - Lists all the png files in the user-specified directory.

  • Minimum File Size: Specifies the minimum file size of the files to be listed in Kb.

  • Skip: If set to true, the activity will skip folders where access is denied.

We can also apply multiple filters to a list of files in a specified directory by specifying each filter separated by a comma. For example :"*.pdf,*.png"


  • Sort By: Specifies whether to sort the file list based on the creation time of each of the file. The available options are:

    • DescendingDate - Sorts the files in the list in the descending order of their creation date.

    • AscendingDate - Sorts the files in the list in the ascending order of their creation date.

  • Date Filter: Specifies whether to filter the file list based on the Creation or the Modified time of each of the file.

  • From Date: Object Argument Specifies a DateTime as the start date that is to be used to filter the file list.

  • To Date: Object Argument Specifies a DateTime as the end date that is to be used to filter the file list.


  • File list:IList Variable The output is a list that stores the list of files as FileObject type.

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