
Variables are data storage locations.

A variable is a storage location that is used to name and refer data that is passed between activities in a workflow. There are two ways a variable is created, using the Variables window and on workflow execution.


The scope of a variable refers to the workflow where it is used.

Accessible Properties

Some variables contain information you can access by using the dot notation with the variable name.

For example, if you have a List variable with a name NamesList you can get the count of list items by using the expression NamesList.Count .

Accessible Functions

You can also call functions that are available for each variable type.

See the documentation of each variable type to see the available properties and functions.

Using variables

Using in the property editor

When an activity is selected in the workflow designer, its properties are displayed in the property editor. You can use variables there to give input to the activity.

Using an Expression

Sometimes you need to use a variable value with other variables or values, like appending to text, inserting between text, or inserting variables into a JSON or XML string.

Using the following format you can combine variables and other text. The expression between text starts with ${ and ends with }

In this example, MyName is a string and MyAge is an integer. During execution, values of these variables will be evaluated and replaced with their name in the input text. It will also try to convert non-string type variables to string type before replacing the input text with the value.

Using variable properties and functions

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