Get Calendars

Retrieves the calendar of a specified user.

This activity retrieves all the properties of a calendar of a specified user using the Microsoft Graph Get calendar API. If none is provided the default user's calendar is retrieved. This activity can also be used to retrieve another user's calendar if the registered application in the Office365 connection(ApplicationId) has the required permissions or the appropriate permissions from the user.

For using the Get Calendars activity first we must select the Calendar Service in the Service property of the Create Office365 connection activity.


  • Connection Id: GraphServiceClient Variable Required Specifies the office 365 connection id.

  • Account: String Argument Specifies an email address with which to interact. This property can include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If the property field is left empty, the current user's account is used. This is an optional property.

  • User: String Argument Specifies the email address of the person whose calendar is to be retrieved. If no email address is provided, then by default the user's own calendar is used. Also, the user must have the required API permissions to read the calendars.


  • Default Calendar: Calendar Variable Specifies the current user's default calendar, if the User property is left blank or empty. This output variable can also be used as input to other calendar activities like Create event and Search Events activities.

  • Calendars: Calendar Variable Specifies a variable containing an array of the user's calendars.

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