Click Image

Click on an image.

This activity allows users to perform a specific click operation (Left click, Right-click, etc.) on a user-specified image on a specified area on the desktop.


  • Click Offset: The X and Y offset will be added to the middle point of the found image. A positive X value moves to the right, and a positive Y value moves to the bottom. Negative values move to the opposite direction.

  • Click Type: Specifies the click type that is to be used on the image.

  • Image: String Argument Specify the image that is to be clicked.

Area Settings

  • Desktop Area: Specifies an area on the Desktop where the specified image is present.

  • UI Element Selector: Specifies a UI Element or a Window on the screen in which the specified image is present.


  • Mode:

    The TopMostWindow mode will take a screenshot of the topmost window. The Auto mode will either use the UI Element Selector or Desktop Area Rectangle to take the screenshot.

Last updated