Desktop Actions

Actions performed on a Desktop Element.

  • Click Clicks at a desktop element.

  • Right Click Right click at a desktop element.

  • Double Click Double clicks at a desktop element.

  • Type Types the text input specified in the parameter after bringing the specified desktop element into focus.

  • Key Input Presses the specified key or key combinations. The key is specified in the parameter using its name. Combinations are specified by joining keys with a + character. eg Ctrl+F

  • Drag And Drop Executes a drag and drop action from specified element on the other specified element.

Drag and Drop doesn't consider the position where the element is dropped. It performs the drop at a point where there are no child elements of the drop target.

When executing Drag and Drop on a file into the desktop, the file will be dropped at the center or at vacant area where there are no items, irrespective of where it was dropped during the recording.

  • Drag And Select Selects a list of child elements from the specified list type element. This action takes the list element as one input and a list containing names of all child elements to select as other input.

Last updated