This documentation provides a step-by-step guide for beginner RPA developers to create a robot with human task using Robot Studio. It assumes familiarity with basic workflow creation in Robot Studio and the ability to create document extraction workflows. If you need a basic understanding of creating workflows in Robot Studio, please refer to the 'Robots,' 'Workflows,' and 'Activities' sections. To learn about document extraction with Robot Studio, refer to the 'Document Extractor' section.
Introduction to Human Task
Tasks are created to automate processes that require human intervention to be completed. The most common use case is during document extraction, where data needs to be extracted from a document for a business process. This data may not always be accurate due to errors in the extraction process or the document itself. Such incorrect data must be rectified before passing it to the next stage, such as writing it to a database. To handle this, a human task workflow can be placed between the document extraction workflow and the business process workflow.
The following activities are available for Human Task:
Create Document Task Activity: Creates a human task from an extraction result and assigns the task to a user.
Get Tasks Activity: Retrieves the tasks assigned to the logged-in user.
Update Task Status Activity: Updates the status of a created task.
Add Remark Activity: Adds remarks to a created task.
Show Tasks Activity: Opens one or more tasks in the task window.
Creating a Human Task with Create Task Activity
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a task using Robot Studio. Before proceeding, ensure that you have already created a document extraction workflow with a Run Extractor activity, which outputs an ExtractionResult variable. For this example, let's assume the name of the output variable is ExtractionResult1
Follow these steps to create a human task:
Drag and drop the Create Document Task activity and connect it to the Run Extractor activity.
Under the Input category, click the configure button for the Configure Data property. This will open the Configure Task Data dialog. Change the type from Form to DocumentValidation. Set the
variable for the Extracted Data property. Keep the Min. Confidence and Max. Confidence values at the default values of 0 and 1, respectively. Press OK to close the dialog.In the configure section, set the property Task Group Name to Example Tasks. The task group name helps identify similar tasks.
Set the property Task Name to
Example Task 1
.Ensure that the Wait for Result property is set to
.In the output section, provide suitable variable names for the Task Result and Task Status properties. For example, let's name them TaskResult and TaskStatus. These variables will be automatically created during execution and will store information about the created task.
In the Assign section, click the Refresh button for the Task Users property. Then, begin typing your username in the textbox and select your name from the suggestions. This will assign the task to yourself when it is created. You can assign tasks to other people in your organization, and you can assign them to more than one person simultaneously. Leave the Task User Group property empty.
Now, execute the workflow starting from the document extraction stage. If there are no mistakes, a task will be created and assigned to you.
Last updated