Check Text Exists

Checks if text exists.

This activity is used to check if a user-specified text exists in the specified UIElement.


  • Text: String Argument Required Specifies the string to search for.

  • Occurrences: Integer Argument Required Specifies the number of occurrences of the specified text that are required to be found in a case where the given text appears multiple times from the specified Desktop area.


OCR Options

  • Crop Region: Specifies the region on the document to apply the OCR.

  • Intermediate Save Path: Specifies the location where intermediate files are stored. If not specified files will be stored in Windows Temp folder.

  • Profile: Specifies a set of optimized preprocessing steps for a given task. By default, the value is set to SceenScrape.

  • Save Intermediate Files?: If set to True all intermediate images created during preprocessing will be saved to disk.

  • Timeout: Specifies the timeout in milliseconds to wait for the OCR operation to complete.


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