Calculate Text Similarity

Calculates the similarity score of two input texts.

This activity calculates the similarity score of two user-specified text inputs.


  • Text 1: String Argument Required Specifies the first text input.

  • Text 2: String Argument Required Specifies the second text to be compared with the first input.


  • Scoring Method: Specifies the scoring method used for calculating the similarity. The available options are:-

    • Exact - To obtain a score for an exact match of the 2 input texts. That means if the two input strings are of the exact match then the score will be 100 else it will be 0.

    • Levenshtein - To obtain a score to determine the number of shift, replace and insert operations that are required to transform Text1 input to Text2 input.


  • Similarity: Integer Variable Specifies the similarity in the range 0-100, 0 means strings are completely different and 100 means exact match.

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