Get Mail
Retrieves Outlook mail messages.
Last updated
Retrieves Outlook mail messages.
Last updated
This activity retrieves email messages that match the given criteria from a user-specified mailbox using the Microsoft Graph Get Message and List Messages APIs.
Connection Id: GraphServiceClient Variable
Specifies the office 365 connection id.
Account: String Argument
Specifies an email address with which to interact. This property can include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If the property field is left empty, the current user's account is used. This is an optional property.
Mail Folder: String Argument
Specifies the mail folder from which the messages are retrieved.
Get As Html:
- The activity will return the message body in Html format.
- The message body will be returned in Text format.
Mark As Read:
- The activity will mark the retrieved messages as reads.
- The retrieved messages will remain unread.
Only Unread Messages:
- The activity will retrieve only unread messages.
- The activity retrieves all read and unread messages.
Filter Query: String Argument
Specifies the query used for filtering the emails that are to be retrieved. The query input can be given using the OData query parameter. For example: "subject eq 'Test Subject'".
Limit: Integer Argument
Specifies the maximum number of emails to be retrieved. By default, the value is set to 5.
The output variable of this activity can be used as input for its succeeding activities like Move Mail, Delete Mail, Forward Mail etc...
When using the output variable of this activity in the input properties of the other mail activities we can directly specify elements in the array that we require.For example: Messages[0]
Result: Array Variable The output is an array that stores all emails retrieved from the user's mailbox as Office365Message.