Synchronize FTP Folder
Synchronizes the Local and Remote folders
This activity Synchronizes the files and subdirectories of a given local folder with a given remote FTP directory. This Action can synchronize a local folder to the contents of a remote FTP directory (download updates), or it can synchronize a remote FTP directory to the contents of a local folder (upload updates).
Remote Directory Path:
String Argument
Specifies the location of the folder in the FTP/SFTP server that is to be synchronized.\Local Directory Path:
String Argument
Specifies the location of the folder in the local system that is to be synchronized.\Overwrite: Specifies whether to overwrite a user-specified file or directory if it already exists.\
Sync Direction: Specifies the direction of the synchronization process. The available options are:
LocalToRemote - If selected all the changes made to the specified local folder will be reflected in the specified remote folder.
RemoteToLocal - If selected all the changes made to the specified remote folder will be reflected in the specified local folder.
File Filters:
String Argument
Specifies the filter for the files that are to be synchronized. This is an optional property.\Delete: Specifies whether to delete the specified files if the source file is absent. That is when synchronizing folder in any direction from source to destination, if the destination contains files that are not present in the source we can choose if want to delete or ignore those files during the synchronization process.\
Create: Specifies whether to create a user-specified file or directory if it does not exist.\
ContainsSubfolders: Specifies whether you want the subdirectories of the specified directories to be included in the synchronization process.
FTP Connection
FTP Session Id:
IFtpSession Variable
Specifies the variable containing the previously opened FTP Connection you wish to close. You must have previously specified this variable in an Open FTP Connection action.
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