Wait For Image
Waits for a specific image.
Last updated
Waits for a specific image.
Last updated
This activity waits for a user-specified image for a specific time period for the image to appear in a specified Desktop area or a specified window.
Desktop Area: Specifies an area on the Desktop where the specified image is present.
UI Element Selector: Specifies a UI Element or a Window on the screen in which the specified image is present.
Image: String Argument
Specifies the image to wait for.
No. of Retries: Object Argument
The number of retires if the image is not found in the given time interval. If the value is 0, the activity will wait forever until the image is found.
Interval: Object Argument
Specifies the time interval in milliseconds.
The TopMostWindow mode will take a screenshot of the topmost window. The Auto mode will either use the UI Element Selector or Desktop Area Rectangle to take the screenshot.
Found: Boolean Variable
Specify a variable name that stores the output image which contains the matched image location.