Send Outlook Mail

Sends an email message from Outlook.

This activity sends an email message from a user-specified Outlook account.

Sender Information

Receiver Information


  • Subject: String Argument The subject of the email message.

  • Body: String Argument The body of the email message.

  • Timeout: Integer Argument Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before raising an error. The default value is 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds).

  • Attachments: The attachments that are to be added to the email message.

  • **Attachment Collection :

    Allows specifying a list of files to be attached.

Email Configuration

  • Account: String Argument Required The email account that is used to send the message.


  • IsBodyHTML:

    • True - The message body is written in HTML format.

    • False - The message body is written in text format. Default

  • IsDraft:

    • True - The message should be saved as a draft.

    • False - The message should not be saved as a draft. Default


  • Mail Message: MailMessage Variable Optional The message to be forwarded, this field only supports Mail Message objects.

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